Friday, July 23, 2010


There was a demon bug that ate the stem right below the head and killed them. But, three out of the five bloomed, so I'm not feeling so horrible about it... One of them got crushed by the boys, the other had the head starting and the bug got it, and the other ones that I planted either got mowed over or didn't come up.

I'm looking forward to doing them again next year!

The last "baby" one just bloomed today! It's so small and cute!

Cookies from the 4th

Thursday, July 22, 2010


Camp is only 4 days away! I'm excited. I'm slightly nervous, but I've been praying a lot about it, which has done tremendous things. :D

I'm wearing this the first day. Do you think it looks ok? I checked with Kerra and Caitlin, and they both thought it was fine. I'll get so nervous about it Sunday night when I'm packing. That's when the second thoughts come in, and worries scare me to death. But I think I'll be better than normal. :) I need to go upstairs and clean for awhile after this. The college siblings are coming tomorrow and I need to clean up my room. I was figuring out my outfits for the week a couple of days ago, and just put all of the clothes on Emma's bed. They need to be moved.

Thursday, July 8, 2010