Wednesday, May 26, 2010



Smile though your heart is aching
Smile even though it's breaking.
When there are clouds in the sky
you'll get by.

If you smile through your pain and sorrow
Smile and maybe tomorrowYou'll see the sun shining through
For you.
Light up your face with gladness,
Hide every trace of sadness.
Although a tear may be ever so near
That's the time you must keep on trying
Smile, what's the use of crying.
You'll find that life is still worthwhile-If you just smile.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

More Sunday notes

Another batch. : D

From today's Sunday message.

1 John 2:15-17
15 "Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him."
2 Kings 20:13 Hezekiah is sick. He showed all of his precious things--everything-- to them. --Worldly things.
Isaiah 39:1-6 Again, Hezekiah shows them all of his things. -- Worldly things
1 Timothy 6:17 -Worldly things.
Proverbs 23:5 - Worldly things
Romans 11:46
We don't know what we need. Christ does.
Philippians 4:6 "Be careful for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, let your requests be known unto God"
Ecclesiastes 16:26 "For what is a man profited if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?" (The 'o' is supposed to be little. )
Proverbs 3:13
Psalms 126:6
I Samuel 3
1 Peter 1:7

My notes look tiny for this service. : (

Matthew 16:26 is one of my favorite verses.

This song is wonderful.

You know what's sad? I just googled the lyrics for the song, and they didn't have any hits for it. : (

I'll write it out. It's WAAY worth it.

Wait. I just noticed the copyright at the bottom... :S I don't think I should.

But look up By His Grace in one of our hymnals. It's 467. I wrote the number on my hand so I'd remember it when I got home. : )

Love, Bethan

Sunday notes...

I'm on the school room computer, so instead of posting pictures, I'm going to write.

Since this computer has a much better keyboard, even if it is loud. At least the space button doesn't stick. That drives me crazy. The other computer has the good pictures, and this one has the good keyboard. : )

Bible Study (Sunday School.) Notes...

1 John 2:18-20
18- The last time. Warning that antichrists will come.
2 Timothy 3:1-5
Matthew 24:24
2 Thessalonians 2:3-4
Isaiah 14:12-14
Genesis 3:5
Genesis 2:17
Genesis 3:4
2 Peter 3:8 Time to the Lord. 1000 years as 1 day.
James 4:14 Life is as a vapor. Life's shortness.
v. 22 of 1 John 2
1 John 4:3
2 John 7
Galatians 1:6-9 Being distracted from the truth.
Jude 19
v. 19 of 1 John 2 They went out, then fell away. Going after fleshly things. Not scattered sheet, but the separating of the goats from the sheep.
Luke 8 The sowing of the seed. The examples. The seed is the word of God.
2 Timothy 2:19 The Lord knows them that are His.
We are to be evidence of belief.
1 John 2:29
John 6:66
Not enduring sound doctrine.
v. 20, 21, 27 of 1 John 2
John 10:30
John 17:11
Ephesians 1:17-19
v. 22-29 of 1 John 2
Philippians 2:5 "Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus.."

The Three Types of Professors of Faith
1. Those who act pious-know it is a lie.
2. Hypocrites- Deceive themselves and others.
3. True believers-having the living root of faith.

v. 24 Abiding in the truth
v. 25 Receive the promise of eternal life
v. 26 Warned of opposition, temptations, distractions from within.
v. 27 Understand the truth by anointing of God. - v. 21
v. 28 Look to his coming with preparation-'abide' continue in Him

These are on the #8 note sheet that pastor handed out. I mean, not all, of the notes, that I added in (i.e., my notes.), but the verses, and a lot of it. I am *so* thankful for these sheets. They help studying so much!

We didn't finish the second chapter. We got to... um... 19, I think? I'm not *quite* sure. : )

How much AWESOME stuff there is from 18-29. (The things that I noted, but not fully, since we didn't cover it all.) I'm so thankful for a pastor who goes in and studies with us. Not just reading a couple of pieces of scripture, saying, "This is the reading of the word of God" and then being done. All that you got from the service was what the neighbors are doing from the hour of announcements.

I know the beginning of the notes looks sketchy. We've been studying the top part several times, so I didn't go very deep into it. I was trying to just get it down, so I knew the verses, and the main point of them. Which I didn't do on all of them.

I was so happy to have pastor there. Mr. Brown is doing an excellent job!! But I know that we all love when pastor is able to be there.

I love my pastor.
God is so good to give us such a wonderful church and church family.

Love, Bethan