Thursday, June 16, 2011

"Praise Him! Praise Him! Tell of His excellent greatness"

Hi friends,

I wanted to get a post in here. I miss writing. My blog has become my journal in a lot of ways. Which makes me sad because I'm not writing it down in my journal, but at the same time, I'm writing it down *somewhere*, so that's good.

The past few days have been pretty crazy for me. Christ is continuing to break down on my self reliance, and it hurts a lot. See I had this thought- this thought that I would have it easy after the ACT was over because I wouldn't have to study.

Apparently laziness was on the agenda, too.

I found out on Monday that I needed to get a new Quickbooks' file to Kim and that I needed to get it ASAP. I avoided it until I came in on Tuesday, then found out that I was going to need to enter all of the transactions from the end of September to the end of December. Do you know how many that is?

Well it's actually a lot.

So I pretty much told my boss that I hated him and then went for a walk to pray.

Then got the number down to 299 and decided to call it a night and go spend some time with A. and her family. I had a very lovely time.

Then it was Wednesday.

Wednesday almost beat Monday.

So it started off really, really well. I prayed about the day a lot, spent a lot of time focusing on getting things done, making them run as smoothly as possible. Especially since my boss was going to be gone from the start of the day until around 2.

I went in with a great attitude, jumped on the pile of things to do, and saw the bottom of the pile quickly. It was starting off beautifully. I started off with cleaning, then got the orders printed, sorted, specs taken down and put up for Josh, called Josh to ask him to come in an hour early, got all of the computers that Josh needed out and ready for him to get ready to ship, took care of some tasks that my boss had asked me to do, etc. Ben got there, Josh got there, and then Issac got there five minutes late. I was just about to click the send button on the phone to "yell" at him for not being there yet.

Ben got started on the things he needed to do on the website, Josh got started on the computer, and Isaac got sent out the door to do a service call in St. James.

I'm telling you, I was on top of things.

Ha. Then Isaac got back, Ben needed passwords I didn't have so I had to text Mike and ask him for them, Josh started having problems with acronis, Isaac didn't know which computers to start on, and the calls went out to Mike. But then they calmed down, I got down to around 150 transactions, finished entering all of the checks, went and got packing peanuts and stopped at Staples to get a few things. I got back and the day started to fall apart.

Which I can't tell you this part. But something bad happened and we didn't loose, but we didn't gain.

Fail. Fail. Fail.

It wasn't my fault, but I was there when it unfolded which is in itself, enough.

I wanted to puke, I finished up things before lunch, took a call from my boss about how things were going, got him feeling a little bit better after the disaster, told Isaac that I was actually *going* to puke if I didn't eat lunch, and then left to have it.

The afternoon went as follows:
Called A.
A. returned the call.
Drank an orange soda.
Sat out in the shade with my feet in the sun while I talked to A.
Got a call from my Mama that exposed some sick information and was scared for the afternoon.
Told A. said information about a certain person I used to see three days a week.
Wanted to sob.
Ended lunch break.
Tried to get Josh moving on computers because we needed to be moving FASTER.
Tried to do more QB and failed.
Watched my boss walk in the door.
Prepared myself for the horrible afternoon that was about to unfold.
Made the deposit.
Didn't want to come back from doing the deposit.
Watched Josh get "talked" to about the slow progress.
Watched Isaac get "talked" to about the slow progress.
Wanted to go home.
Watched a mess up unfold that had to do with Josh.
Wanted to go home.
Tried to think of something to make it better.
Watched my stress level go up to 900. ("And my cholesterol went up to 900!")
Got an apology from my boss for causing my stress level to go up to 900.
Watched my boss apologize to Josh for getting upset with him.
Did something that I don't remember
Watched Josh leave for the day for not making enough progress.
Watched Isaac leave for the day since he was leaving at 3am for Iowa.
Cracked down on the orders and knocked out over half of them with my boss.
Got the boxes out the door for the FedEx drivers. (Julie is AWESOME.)
Found out about an order mistake.
Got bad feedback on Amazon from said mistake. (Which is now gone, because as soon as we caught it, we got with the customers *right* away and they were really happy.)
Got a call from A.
Made 23,000 shipping labels.
Enjoyed getting to have A. come.
Put said shipping labels on the boxes.
Watched A. clean.
Watched A. try to fix the shredder that I broke.
Watched my boss laugh at A. for trying to fix that failure of a shredder.
Said goodnight to my boss.
Tried to fix the shredder with A.
Went to Radio Shack with A.
Went to KFC for dinner with A. At like 8:45.
Went to Walmart.
Saw the Hamachers.
Went to the gas station with A.
Went to get the car at work.
Said goodbye to A.
Went and got gas for the car.
Drove home and chatted with my Mama.
Arrived home safely and went to sleep.

So the point of that was to show you in a weird way how my day unfolded. But the reason for showing you that was to show you God's huge mercy.

My day started out with Christ. It had Christ in the middle. It ended with Christ.

He is with me always and forever. Even when my stress level was up to 900 and I wanted to be done with it, He was there and holding me safe.

He loves me *so* much. He protected me from so many things. He blessed in *so* many ways.

So even though your day may or may not have been rough, Jesus is there. Just like always, and making things work according to His will.

Have a beautiful weekend, friends. Enjoy His love and praise Him forever.

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