Sunday, May 8, 2011


So right now I'm not sure. I don't even know what I'm not sure about. I'm just feeling very "Eh" right now, and it's driving me crazy.

I don't like having a weird schedule and not knowing what's going on.

You can slap me now. I hate that I feel like that. Because things change *so* quickly, and I am so very clearly not in control of my life. Somedays I'm completely and totally ok with that, and other days I fight God's control and end up coming back to the same realization as before: God is always, and forever in control.

That's the best way.

I was planning on working tomorrow, almost sure of it, but then when I got home from church, I had an email from my boss saying that he didn't need me to work tomorrow. And starting Tuesday, I'm off until the 19th... Um.. Ok.

So I'm weirdly sad. Mostly because I was sorta going to miss working for the week, and then when they said that they didn't need me tomorrow, I kinda felt a little lousy and like that I'm just not needed.

That stinks for this very needy person.

We got bad feedback. Translation: I feel lousy. It isn't my fault, but I take it waaaay personally.

Today, being Mother's Day, hasn't been the best... Just a lot of things happening to my family right now, and they hurt *so* much. I just want to scream that God is bigger than them, and that they're stupid for thinking the things that they're thinking, but that's not kindness, it's just hurt talking. God knows the truth. And I don't have to worry about what others think of me- It's what Christ thinks. He is the Truth. I came home, mowed the grass some, and then called my bestie sister, Ker and talked to her for about and hour. I love her more than a lot.

I get to see her in three days. And spend an entire week with her. God knows what I need, and it was some good quality OK sister time, I think.

I'm going to look forward to this week that God has given me. He knows why I have the day off tomorrow, and that I really do need it.

I hope your week is wonderful. Have peace in your heart and love Jesus.

1 comment:

  1. We need to be reminded all the time that Christ is the only One that satisfies, don't we? It's way too easy to start "needing" comfort and assurance from other sources, but if we look anywhere apart from Him we'll get really disappointed and really thirsty. *He* is the only Living Water.
    Gosh I love you Bethan. I'm so glad you're my sister.
