Monday, May 23, 2011


Bwhahaha. You won't believe what happened today. It's been *quite* the Monday for me. :D

So I get to work at 7. Sometimes my boss is already there, sometimes he's not. So today he wasn't, so I just did what I always do, and went on in.

Only this time the alarm started to go off. It's never gone off before, since either Mike has been there already, or he's forgotten to set it. Well he remembered to set it this morning.

"Oh crap."

So I called Mike. No answer.

Called Isaac. No answer. Called Isaac again. No answer.

Central Security calls. "Is everything ok there?" "Yes, everything is fine. I just got here before my boss, and I didn't know the alarm was set. You can call him: *enter phone number here*" "Password." "I don't know the password, my boss always takes care of it." "Password." "No, Mike knows the password, he's just not here right now. You can call him, though. He'll give it to you." "Alright, we'll call him."

So I went on with my morning, got the vacuum out, called Mama to let her know that I had gotten there safely, told her the story, and then started to vacuum. Then the police walked in.

"Oh did they not get a hold of Mike?!"

Obviously not.

So they looked at my i.d., checked things out a bit, I called Mike again- no answer. So the police officer said, "Well, I don't think a thief would be vacuuming, so we're all good."

One of my fellow Things came into work today. He needed a sata cable. :) It was soo fun to see him there. No one I know ever comes in, so it was nice to see somebody.

All in all, today was a good day. I spent the afternoon going through all of this year's papers that needed to be filed. That was fun. But it's DONE and it feels so crazy nice to be finished with all of it. :D

I hope your Monday was good. Pray for Joplin. <3


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