"When human beings surround an uncompassionate person, they soon find it out and fly off at a tangent as if by instinct. You may collect people for a time by some extraneous means, but unless your heart goes out with desires for their good, they will soon weary of you. The multitude still clung to the skirts of Jesus even to the last, whenever he preached, because they saw that He really desired their good. You must have compassion if you are to keep up the attention of those whom you address." C.S. Spurgeon.
"Who can have compassion on the ignorant, and on them that are our of the way; for that he himself also is compassed with infirmity." -Hebrews 5:2
Saturday, February 19, 2011
A crazy week
Ack. I miss blogging. Which is ridiculous, because I know that I don't blog on here very much... Oh well. I still miss it.
Right now I'm sitting up in my room getting ready to do my Bible reading and listening to hymns. I haven't had time to listen to any hymns the past few days, and I miss it so much.
Work has been great this week, but after getting 29 1/2 hours in 3 days, and then working Friday and a half day today, I'm sooo ready for a break. I've been feeling guilty for not being at work, and it's starting to bother me. Micom is *not* mine. It's not my life, it's not my business. I'm to be the best employee that I can be without messing up my family life, but that doesn't include working 13 hour days every single day. I need to remember that these long weeks are only for right now, and I cannot do it every week. I've got the rest of highschool to focus on, and then studying for the ACT. Those are needed necessities, not just "eh".
The past couple days at work have been stressful. A pretty major mistake was made my one of my co-workers, and yesterday there was a rather big blow up about it. I mean, that being a relative term, because there wasn't screaming, but there was some serious conversations and some words that shouldn't of been said. I felt awful about it, even thought it honestly was *not* my fault. I don't like to see others screw up and mess our orders up, but if they're not being careful and double checking things, they very rightly deserve to reprimanded for it.
I don't know... It's just hard, I guess. I'm praying that I don't make mistakes and that I'm respectful to my boss, even if I am having a bad day or something.
I am so thankful for his kindness. He's patient and helps me figure out things when I totally don't have a clue how to do them, and our whole work crew just has *fun* together. We laugh hard and are encouraging.
My heart is heavy for my boss' salvation. He's a kind and generous *person*, but he's lost and wretched in his heart. I pray that Christ will use me to be a good godly example, as well as A, and Mr. Y.
God is so full of mercy. He is King over all and He loves me so much. I am so thankful for it.
Have a beautiful Lord's day tomorrow. I hope that each one of you gets something True and meaningful out of the day.
Right now I'm sitting up in my room getting ready to do my Bible reading and listening to hymns. I haven't had time to listen to any hymns the past few days, and I miss it so much.
Work has been great this week, but after getting 29 1/2 hours in 3 days, and then working Friday and a half day today, I'm sooo ready for a break. I've been feeling guilty for not being at work, and it's starting to bother me. Micom is *not* mine. It's not my life, it's not my business. I'm to be the best employee that I can be without messing up my family life, but that doesn't include working 13 hour days every single day. I need to remember that these long weeks are only for right now, and I cannot do it every week. I've got the rest of highschool to focus on, and then studying for the ACT. Those are needed necessities, not just "eh".
The past couple days at work have been stressful. A pretty major mistake was made my one of my co-workers, and yesterday there was a rather big blow up about it. I mean, that being a relative term, because there wasn't screaming, but there was some serious conversations and some words that shouldn't of been said. I felt awful about it, even thought it honestly was *not* my fault. I don't like to see others screw up and mess our orders up, but if they're not being careful and double checking things, they very rightly deserve to reprimanded for it.
I don't know... It's just hard, I guess. I'm praying that I don't make mistakes and that I'm respectful to my boss, even if I am having a bad day or something.
I am so thankful for his kindness. He's patient and helps me figure out things when I totally don't have a clue how to do them, and our whole work crew just has *fun* together. We laugh hard and are encouraging.
My heart is heavy for my boss' salvation. He's a kind and generous *person*, but he's lost and wretched in his heart. I pray that Christ will use me to be a good godly example, as well as A, and Mr. Y.
God is so full of mercy. He is King over all and He loves me so much. I am so thankful for it.
Have a beautiful Lord's day tomorrow. I hope that each one of you gets something True and meaningful out of the day.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Hello! :D I'm siting on the floor of our living room [not at work] and pretending to be doing my Consumer Math tests. Since I've been working all week, and will work the rest of the week, I'm taking today to fit in the entire week's worth of school. Excluding Math. Are you kidding me? 3 lessons of Adv. Math in one day? Yeah. Right. Only... I could do it. But I won't. For the sake of my family and a high risk of having a meltdown. Yucky.
So today I have the hymns a playin' while I work on school. At work the station is kept at 98.9, and frankly, I tire of listening to Katy Perry after awhile... Sadly, my boss is not a Christian, and so he doesn't think to switch it to the Christian music station. But in the last two days, there haven't been very many nasty songs on, so I'm very thankful.
Work is going great. I am loving my job so far. It's such an incredibly huge blessing. Right now I'm mainly organizing, packing computers that need to be shipped out, getting stuff that we need for organizing, helping unload and unpack things, etc. I've been completely exhausted after getting home, but it's a good exhausted after I hard day of work. We just moved locations to the old University Bookstore, so we're waiting for the carpet to get in, shelves to be put in, etc. I'm thinking we'll be open by Monday, but I don't know. The plan was by Thursday, but then the carpet people came FOUR days late. :S
My boss is really kind. I'm so thankful. I can't imagine working somewhere and not liking my boss. That would be so horrid. He reminds me of Daniel, in a way. He gets excited about new computers coming in, and like anything computer related. And he has a hilarious sense of humor. He praises us when we do a good job, and if a co-worker messes up something major, he keeps calm around us and takes care of it without getting really angry or yelling. I'm thankful for that respect. Or personality. Whatever it is, I'm thankful for it. Even still though, I'm not looking forward to a bad day where I'll mess something up. I'm praying that day won't come.
It's already lunch time. I told Mama last night that we needed to have something other than sandwiches for lunch today. ;) So there's baked spaghetti in the oven. This day will fly by, I know it. So I'm enjoying it while I can, and not stressing about school. But knowing the amount of Anatomy that I have to do today, that'll probably change.
Once we get the store opened, we'll work much less. Hopefully like... 12 hours on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Then some at home when we get that set up. I'm excited. :D
I hope *you* are having a lovely Wednesday! Enjoy it!
So today I have the hymns a playin' while I work on school. At work the station is kept at 98.9, and frankly, I tire of listening to Katy Perry after awhile... Sadly, my boss is not a Christian, and so he doesn't think to switch it to the Christian music station. But in the last two days, there haven't been very many nasty songs on, so I'm very thankful.
Work is going great. I am loving my job so far. It's such an incredibly huge blessing. Right now I'm mainly organizing, packing computers that need to be shipped out, getting stuff that we need for organizing, helping unload and unpack things, etc. I've been completely exhausted after getting home, but it's a good exhausted after I hard day of work. We just moved locations to the old University Bookstore, so we're waiting for the carpet to get in, shelves to be put in, etc. I'm thinking we'll be open by Monday, but I don't know. The plan was by Thursday, but then the carpet people came FOUR days late. :S
My boss is really kind. I'm so thankful. I can't imagine working somewhere and not liking my boss. That would be so horrid. He reminds me of Daniel, in a way. He gets excited about new computers coming in, and like anything computer related. And he has a hilarious sense of humor. He praises us when we do a good job, and if a co-worker messes up something major, he keeps calm around us and takes care of it without getting really angry or yelling. I'm thankful for that respect. Or personality. Whatever it is, I'm thankful for it. Even still though, I'm not looking forward to a bad day where I'll mess something up. I'm praying that day won't come.
It's already lunch time. I told Mama last night that we needed to have something other than sandwiches for lunch today. ;) So there's baked spaghetti in the oven. This day will fly by, I know it. So I'm enjoying it while I can, and not stressing about school. But knowing the amount of Anatomy that I have to do today, that'll probably change.
Once we get the store opened, we'll work much less. Hopefully like... 12 hours on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Then some at home when we get that set up. I'm excited. :D
I hope *you* are having a lovely Wednesday! Enjoy it!
Monday, February 14, 2011
Bible reading notes.
In my notes from today's Bible reading. I'm using a John MacArthur study Bible this year. Here's something that stuck out to me today.
Matthew 27:26 "Then he released Barabbas to them; and when he had scourged Jesus, he delivered him to be crucified"
John MacArthur's side note:
" 27:26 Scourged The whip used for scourging consisted of several strands of leather attached to a wooded handle. Each strand had a bit of metal or bone attached to the end. The victim was bound to a post by the wrists, high over his head, so that the flesh of the back would be taut. An expert at wielding the scourge could literally tear the flesh from the back, lacerating muscles and sometimes even exposing the kidneys or other internal organs. Scourging alone was fatal in some cases."
And this was before Jesus was crucified. What an incredible sacrifice. And He did it for me--- a wretch!
Matthew 27:26 "Then he released Barabbas to them; and when he had scourged Jesus, he delivered him to be crucified"
John MacArthur's side note:
" 27:26 Scourged The whip used for scourging consisted of several strands of leather attached to a wooded handle. Each strand had a bit of metal or bone attached to the end. The victim was bound to a post by the wrists, high over his head, so that the flesh of the back would be taut. An expert at wielding the scourge could literally tear the flesh from the back, lacerating muscles and sometimes even exposing the kidneys or other internal organs. Scourging alone was fatal in some cases."
And this was before Jesus was crucified. What an incredible sacrifice. And He did it for me--- a wretch!
Sunday, February 13, 2011
"O come, let us sing unto the Lord"
I may not have a beautiful voice to sing well, but my heart can sing the hymns, and to me, that's better than even the most beautiful voice in the world.
I love how Jesus can use hymns to calm my spirit after I good but hard day. I'm so blessed.
"Every blessing You pour out
I'll turn back to praise
When the darkness closes in, Lord
Still I will say
Blessed be the name of the Lord
Blessed be Your name
Blessed be the name of the Lord
Blessed be Your glorious name
You give and take away
You give and take away
My heart will choose to say
Lord, blessed be Your name"
"I need thee every hour."
Sometimes I wonder how a person can live without a relationship with Christ. I wonder how I ever did. And I am so incredibly thankful for Christ's saving grace.
Our Lord is full of mercy. He is full of love. He is full of compassion.
I love how Jesus can use hymns to calm my spirit after I good but hard day. I'm so blessed.
"Every blessing You pour out
I'll turn back to praise
When the darkness closes in, Lord
Still I will say
Blessed be the name of the Lord
Blessed be Your name
Blessed be the name of the Lord
Blessed be Your glorious name
You give and take away
You give and take away
My heart will choose to say
Lord, blessed be Your name"
"I need thee every hour."
Sometimes I wonder how a person can live without a relationship with Christ. I wonder how I ever did. And I am so incredibly thankful for Christ's saving grace.
Our Lord is full of mercy. He is full of love. He is full of compassion.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Top of the Afternoon to Ya!
It's ok. Just get used to the weird titles of these so called blog posts.
I'm listening to some absolutely *beautiful* Gungor . A sweet friend of mine posted this last night when I needed to hear it.
Today was a good day. I had a good run (Only two miles today, it's a short run day, thank goodness. I have 4 to run on Friday, which are my long days. And 4 is big for my new runner of a self, so there.) this morning, and school went well today. I've decided to start pushing myself more in school, because I'm getting anxious to be finished. (It's February, I know..) So I've doubled up on Language Arts and Consumer Math. I finished Government and Economics today, and I'll finish up the rest of my highschool history this week. So then I'll get serious about working on World Views. The other things that I'm doing, Anatomy and Adv. Math will be finished when they're finished. After rushing myself through Algebra 1 and 2 and Geometry we're taking Adv. Math slowly and if we don't get a lesson done each day, it's fine. Adv. Math is an extra course for me, and get me more prepared for the math on the ACT. Which I'm going to, Lord willing, and by purely His strength, take this spring. I need to go find Mom and get scheduled before it's too late. And me being the homeschooled child that I am, the ACT is big and scary. Don't expect me to tell you how it goes, because that's not happening.
Anyway, after I finished up math with Mom, I went to get the mail and headed up to Grandma's with her. I spend about.. an hour and a half up there. I took my photo of the day and did a puzzle with her while I sipped some Lady Grey and finally finished off the triple chocolate m&m's that I got for my birthday. (Don't judge me.)
Then I came down to the house, checked Fb, and the photography group project that I posted pictures in today to see if anyone had posted more photos, and then headed to the kitchen to make a couple of loaves of English Muffin bread that are now downstairs rising.
It snowed more today. We got about 4 inches, I think. It's beautiful and it covered up the old stuff, but since it did that, it's hard to see where to step since the old stuff was mostly ice and it's really slippery. I should go snap some pictures, but it's bitter cold out there. Plus I've taken a ridiculous amount of snow pictures this year. I'm sure no body will miss any more pictures. And I'll take some of the banana bread and then the English muffin bread if I can get it out of the oven before the sun is totally gone. I don't think I'll be able to swing it.
Also, the sun is staying around later now! I'm so looking forward to spring. But I must admit, winter has been lovely. I have lots of time inside and to spend doing whatever without feeling guilty for not spending more time outside and gardening or something. But either way, spring will be very welcomed by me and the camera. :D
Love to you,
I'm listening to some absolutely *beautiful* Gungor . A sweet friend of mine posted this last night when I needed to hear it.
Today was a good day. I had a good run (Only two miles today, it's a short run day, thank goodness. I have 4 to run on Friday, which are my long days. And 4 is big for my new runner of a self, so there.) this morning, and school went well today. I've decided to start pushing myself more in school, because I'm getting anxious to be finished. (It's February, I know..) So I've doubled up on Language Arts and Consumer Math. I finished Government and Economics today, and I'll finish up the rest of my highschool history this week. So then I'll get serious about working on World Views. The other things that I'm doing, Anatomy and Adv. Math will be finished when they're finished. After rushing myself through Algebra 1 and 2 and Geometry we're taking Adv. Math slowly and if we don't get a lesson done each day, it's fine. Adv. Math is an extra course for me, and get me more prepared for the math on the ACT. Which I'm going to, Lord willing, and by purely His strength, take this spring. I need to go find Mom and get scheduled before it's too late. And me being the homeschooled child that I am, the ACT is big and scary. Don't expect me to tell you how it goes, because that's not happening.
Anyway, after I finished up math with Mom, I went to get the mail and headed up to Grandma's with her. I spend about.. an hour and a half up there. I took my photo of the day and did a puzzle with her while I sipped some Lady Grey and finally finished off the triple chocolate m&m's that I got for my birthday. (Don't judge me.)
Then I came down to the house, checked Fb, and the photography group project that I posted pictures in today to see if anyone had posted more photos, and then headed to the kitchen to make a couple of loaves of English Muffin bread that are now downstairs rising.
It snowed more today. We got about 4 inches, I think. It's beautiful and it covered up the old stuff, but since it did that, it's hard to see where to step since the old stuff was mostly ice and it's really slippery. I should go snap some pictures, but it's bitter cold out there. Plus I've taken a ridiculous amount of snow pictures this year. I'm sure no body will miss any more pictures. And I'll take some of the banana bread and then the English muffin bread if I can get it out of the oven before the sun is totally gone. I don't think I'll be able to swing it.
Also, the sun is staying around later now! I'm so looking forward to spring. But I must admit, winter has been lovely. I have lots of time inside and to spend doing whatever without feeling guilty for not spending more time outside and gardening or something. But either way, spring will be very welcomed by me and the camera. :D
Love to you,
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
A...weird post...
But oh well. I'm feeling random and awkward tonight. Stay tuned.
How am I?
Lonely. So, so lonely. Hear me out first. I had a lovely day. I laughed with my brothers, played games with them, talked with my Mama, gave my Mama hugs, greeted my Daddy when he got home from work, told him stories and helped with dinner. Visited my Grandma and worked on a puzzle with her.
Made banana bread. Did school. Listened to lovely music. Wall-posted with dear friends, worried about other friends, missed friends, felt like I was annoying to my friends, wondered if I should set up a chat time with friends, wondered if I'm too pushy. Wondered if I had the most screwed up life in the world, was thankful because I *don't* have a screwed up life, I have a beautiful life. I was saved by the grace of my wonderful Savior, my family loves me for me, my friends love me, I have a warm home, my Mama lets me do crazy things in the kitchen. I am just so blessed.
So mostly, this post is for me. It to get me thinking, to get me cheerful and realize all that my Jesus has given me. Even with every screwed up thing that's going on in my life right now, guess what?! That's all SO small. And Jesus is SO much bigger than it all. Only He can save ruined things, only He can heal hearts and restore love and trust. So why do we get all caught up in it?! Is it lack of trust? I do not understand this. I get caught up in it all the time...
But just finish that with the thought of how merciful our God is. Of how incredibly much He loves us. And even with everything that we hoped for is crashing and we wonder what even the point of it all was, God gives us things like this for us to grow in Him. This is how He brings His elect to Him and shows them His great and powerful love for them the first time. He is beautiful. His love is beautiful. He loves beautiful things.
I'm missing my big sister today. It's almost the 10th again. You know what thrills me the most about her being in heaven?!? She got to rejoice with Jesus and the angles when Christ saved me. I can't even to begin how thrilled and how she must have given all of the glory to God for it. And guess what? When we get to go to heaven, we get to do the same thing! We get to rejoice for those who God saves! How awesome!
My heart is so heavy with things tonight. But I don't need to write them here-Jesus knows all of them, and I can have an even better conversation with Him. <3
Sunday, February 6, 2011
A winter walk
So I took a walk on Friday night with Max and took more than several pictures. So here's the ones that I'll post here. But be assured that Fb will be flowing with them. *cheesy grin*
Friday, February 4, 2011
English Muffin Bread

English Muffin Loaves
5 1/2 cups flour
1 T. yeast
1 T sugar
2 t. salt
1/4 t. baking soda
1 1/2 cups milk
1 cup water
cornmeal to coat mans and top of loaves
Combine 3 cups of the flour, yeast, sugar, salt, and baking soda in a large bowl (or a KitchenAid bowl. I did this, put on the dough attachment, and mixed this mixture for a couple of seconds.)
Heat liquids until warm 120-130 degrees.
Add the liquid to the flour mixture, beating well.
Stir in remaining flour (you may not need all of it.) until you have a stiff STICKY batter.
Spoon into two loaf pans that have been greased and sprinkled with cornmeal. Sprinkle cornmeal on tops of loaves.
Cover lightly and let rise until double.
Make at 400 degrees for 20 minutes, or until slightly golden brown.
5 1/2 cups flour
1 T. yeast
1 T sugar
2 t. salt
1/4 t. baking soda
1 1/2 cups milk
1 cup water
cornmeal to coat mans and top of loaves
Combine 3 cups of the flour, yeast, sugar, salt, and baking soda in a large bowl (or a KitchenAid bowl. I did this, put on the dough attachment, and mixed this mixture for a couple of seconds.)
Heat liquids until warm 120-130 degrees.
Add the liquid to the flour mixture, beating well.
Stir in remaining flour (you may not need all of it.) until you have a stiff STICKY batter.
Spoon into two loaf pans that have been greased and sprinkled with cornmeal. Sprinkle cornmeal on tops of loaves.
Cover lightly and let rise until double.
Make at 400 degrees for 20 minutes, or until slightly golden brown.
I've been busy
And great about neglecting my poor blog! Why it's been since the 22nd of December! I'm so sorry.
I'll try and get a good update on here, or more than one. :)
Shortbread and Tea. This is actually fake. Because I did not drink that tea. Or put that brown sugar in it (Nor do I use brown sugar to sweeten my tea.) This was for my photo of the day. I'm doing 365 days of photographs. So I made this shortbread to take to backpacks (which later didn't happen.) and then grabbed up some dishes and tried to make it look pretty. In which a mostly failed at... Food bloggers are so incredible with their photography. Their lighting is great and you see no background if they don't want you to.

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