I was multi-tasking, ok? :P Actually, I was just working on Anatomy. The most recent baking adventure I was on. Which wasn't much of one, but it was still funny to do. These are the mini alphabet apple pies that I made. I had used a recipe from one of Mom's recipe books, but I really didn't like it. So I think if I made these again, I'll just do my own version.
The night I made these, Mom and Dad got back from their getaway, and brought me back a French rolling pen, and 5 oz. ramekins! :)
I know I have a ton of updating to do. Hopefully I can find some time to do some more soon! I missed blogging!
My very sweet friend Abby and I had a cupcake day at her house. :) It ended up taking much longer than we thought it would, and by the end we were trying to quickly put butterflies on cupcakes with multicolored M&M's instead of just brown. But it was fun, and I think they turned out cute! Maybe next time we can have more time so they'll look better. :)
So I made this for my birthday (much to Mom feeling incredibly guilty, because she didn't like the fact that I was making my own birthday cake.) in September. It was fun, and I'm excited to (hopefully) make in May when the OK girls come to visit.